
Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Republic Day In Advance

January 26th every year India celebrates its Republic Day. One of the national holidays of India and considered as the most important day in the Indian history as it was on this day in 1950 the constitution of India came into force and India became a truly sovereign state. It is celebrated with much enthusiasm throughout the country to commemorate the event. In New Delhi, the celebrations start with the solemn reminder of the sacrifice of the martyrs. The patriotic fervor of the people on this day brings the whole country together even in her essential diversity. Every part of the country is represented in occasion, which makes the Republic Day the most popular of all the national holidays of India.

Absolutely Colorful parades and drills are organized where you can watch children from various schools and institutions takes part. The parade and pageants are broadcasted on the National Television throughout the country. The most popular of all the national holidays of India, children love to see the air tricks performed by the practiced pilots that shower the tricolors of the Indian flag.

The parade also includes the latest weapons of the Indian security forces instilling confidence in the people of the protection offered to them and inspires them with the patriotic feelings. The displays from all the states are meant to promote the feeling of familiarity, brotherhood and unity among the people of this vast country. Cultural functions are held in different parts of India to mark the occasion. Republic Day is the celebration of India's sovereignty and freedom In the True sense.

सरे जहाँ से अच्हा हिंदोस्ता हमारा हम बुलबुले है इसके ये गुलसिता  हमारा हमारा हमारा .................................................
 जय हिंद

सलेंदर सुथार

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