
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Woman is in the lap of A,B,C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

A says - Woman is attractive Flower

B says - Woman is Beautiful Gift
C says - Woman is great source of Comfort
D says - Woman has a sweet Dialect
E says - Eastern or Western, woman is the Worthy
F says - Woman is central Figure of Family
G says - Woman always glitters with the rays of her Partner

H says - Woman has Holy Spirits
I says - Woman has basic institution in her Lap
J says - Woman is a Full of Joy
K says - Woman is Head of Kisses
L says - Woman is Lovely Thing
M says - Woman is symbol of Modesty
N says - Nails increase the Beauty of Woman
O says - Woman is an Pretty Ornament
P says - Woman is Princess
Q says - Woman is Queen
R says - Woman is Rare Gift
S says - Woman is a main source of survival the Human Being
T says - Woman has true Spirits of Love
U says - Woman is an Peaceful Umbrella
V says - Woman is valley of Love
W says - Woman is Wafer
X says - Woman has Sweet Kisses
Y says - Woman is your Jewelery
Z says - Woman has a great Zeal..


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